Betrayal Amongst, Alliance and the Blood Eagle

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The Earl See’s all as a whole

Miss Lady, you are the Mole

Through the bars, “The Earl, watches you as you attempt to achieve your goal

You wish to turn all away from him, for the husband that he stole

Subsequent whore to the king, you do it because you hate with all of your soul


You ask the old Wizard if the Gods will ever smile upon you again

You tell him you are in excruciating pain

Your title and pride taken away, you want your pain to wain

Do you really think you can make Rollo,  Earl? Or is it you being vain?

Tread very lightly or it is you that will be slain


He knows there is betrayal all around

Not a real Ally to be found

Until Earl Inkstad comes to town

Lagertha, she is the Earl, and with her ships and warriors the future is sound

With this Alliance they stand on the proving ground


There leaves an execution to be had

Upon asking “what is a Blood Eagle?” He explains to the lad

Slicing open the offenders back, cut open the rib cage removing the lungs to present them as the closed wings facade

His back and body are blood clad

all that watch this execution  are shocked and betrayal forbade

Not a tortured soul would dare add







A strange camaraderie between the King and the Priest

He is intrigued by the Priests knowledge of Pagan Culture at the very least

Together they discover the Art and Written word from the very near east

The Priest is chosen to be the Guardian of such treasures, his time is leased

An opportunity followed by a threat was released


The beauty and majesty of the task

In spite of the danger he was honored to be asked

The threat of death did not phase, and his delight couldn’t be masked

The intensity of the opportunity proved vast

Excited to venture into the past


Immortalizing the works of seemingly forgotten sculptors, painters and scribes

From Latin to English he transcribes

About their Religion and their forefathers and all of their tribes

How similar are their vibes?

The King would like to know all sides